- Borough of Bellefonte - https://bellefonte.net -

Curb and Driveway Apron installation for Homeowners on E. Curtin Street

In connection with the Columbia Gas Line work, Ameron Construction is providing special pricing for Curb and Driveway Apron installation for Homeowners on E. Curtin Street between N. Allegheny Street and N. Wilson Street. The Curbing work will take place before the paving project for E. Curtin Street. Homeowners who are interested in having Curbing installed please complete the online form at https://forms.office.com/r/MqPgKF5zNi [1] or by emailing Bellefonte Borough at Boro@bellefontepa.gov [2]. Please provide your name, address, phone number, and linear feet if known.

On average a Homeowner has roughly 50 linear feet in front of their property, therefore the more interest from Homeowners the better the pricing overall. If you are unsure on total linear feet our Public Works Department will be out to measure after the list has been compiled.

Ameron Construction will use the total linear footage of all residents to determine the price based on the table below.  

0-100’ = $130/ft

100-500’ = $96/ft

Over 500’ = $80/ft

The deadline to sign up for the Curbing project is Monday, May 13th, 2024. If you have any questions please contact Matt Auman, Bellefonte Borough Superintendent of Public Works, at (814)355-1501 ext. 221. Bellefonte Borough will provide all contact information to Ameron Construction for estimating and billing purposes.

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