Just a short note to explain a little more on the new real estate tax bill. I, as your Bellefonte Borough Tax Collector will NOT be mailing out your bills. They will be mailed directly from Government Software Solution, out of Wayne County.
Because of this I cannot verify when they have been mailed. I also cannot verify if those that have escrows have had copies of your bill mailed to your escrow company. To be assured that they have received your information, I recommend you reach out to your mortgage company to make sure they have received the figures to be paid.
You will still make your payments to me and I will still have my office open for in-person payments. Days and times for office hours will be on the bill. As before you may mail in your payment, include a portion of the bill with payment and if a receipt is wanted include a self-addressed stamped envelope. The lock box is still available 24/7 at my office.
Change is difficult and not without problems. Patience on all sides is the name of the game for this first round of collection with a new company.
Thank you in advance,
Debra Burger
Bellefonte Borough Tax Collector