Short-Term Rentals
Short-term rentals are permitted in the R-4 residential and all commercial zoning districts of Bellefonte Borough. Only short-term rentals in the R-1 and R-2 residential zoning district that operated as such prior to January 1, 2023 may continue to operate as a pre-existing nonconforming use, so long as the required permits are obtained.
You can find a zoning map of current zoning districts here.
What do you need help with?
- Read the Bellefonte Borough Short-Term Rental Ordinance.
- Apply for a new short-term rental in the R-4 or commercial zoning district.
- All STRs are required to have an active Rental Housing Permit with Centre Region Code Administration
- Renew my short-term rental (must be done annually, due on Jan 31 of the new year)
Please complete the checklist and submit all items with a completed application. Applications can be dropped off or mailed to:
Bellefonte Borough Zoning Department
Attn: Gina Thompson
236 West Lamb Street
Bellefonte, PA 16823