Latest News from the Borough
Bid Notice-Street Paving Project
2025 New Real Estate Tax Bill
Just a short note to explain a little more on the new real estate tax bill. I, as your Bellefonte Borough Tax Collector will NOT be mailing out your bills. They will be mailed directly from Government Software Solution, out of Wayne County.
Because of this I cannot verify when they have been mailed. I also cannot verify if those that have escrows have had copies of your bill mailed to your escrow company. To be assured that they have received your information, I recommend you reach out to your mortgage company to make sure they have received the figures to be paid.
You will still make your payments to me and I will still have my office open for in-person payments. Days and times for office hours will be on the bill. As before you may mail in your payment, include a portion of the bill with payment and if a receipt is wanted include a self-addressed stamped envelope. The lock box is still available 24/7 at my office.
Change is difficult and not without problems. Patience on all sides is the name of the game for this first round of collection with a new company.
Thank you in advance,
Debra Burger
Bellefonte Borough Tax Collector
Consider Becoming More Involved
Many different Authorities, Boards and Commissions (ABCs) have been formed to support Bellefonte Boroughs’ elected officials and staff. Those individuals who devote their time, energy, and know-how to the ABCs are a vital part of Bellefonte Borough. Please visit our website to learn more on how you can become more involved within the Borough.
Notice: Parking Ticket Information Update
PennDOT Reminds Motorists of Jacksonville Road Closure
Bellefonte Borough Council approved support of HB 451
Bellefonte Borough Council approved support of HB 451, through adopting Resolution 09162024-02 at their September 16th, 2024 Council Meeting. HB 451 looks to bring financial assistance to boroughs, like Bellefonte, with relatively high percentages of non-taxable real estate (properties like schools, post offices, county buildings, libraries, etc.). Please help us send a message to our state legislators to support HB 451. Please contact State Senator Cris Dush and State Representative Kerry Benninghoff. Thank you!
How to use the Bellefonte/ Benner B-Line
Signs in the Borough right-of-way
Just a friendly reminder: Per the Bellefonte Borough Zoning Ordinance Chapter 575, Article XXI, signs are not permitted to be placed in any portion of the Borough right-of-way. This includes the grass strip between sidewalks and the roads, shade trees, and utility poles. Signs for special events may be displayed no sooner than three weeks prior to the event and must be taken down 24 hours after the event has finished. The complete sign ordinance can be found online: Any questions pertaining to signage can be directed to Gina Thompson, Zoning Administrator, at 814-313-1573.
Bellefonte Borough Service Line Inventory
Bellefonte Borough Authority will be working on an ongoing service line inventory project to identify all customer water service lines. This project will take place over the next several years until all service lines within our water system service area are identified. The project is a mandatory requirement of a state and federal water system regulation. The goal is to identify service line material from the main water line to the meter inside the customer’s home or business, wherever the water service line enters the building. The illustration above shows a typical customer water line. The federal regulatory requirements for this project will require replacement of service lines made of certain materials in the future and more information about the Service Line Inventory will be posted on our website. As the work continues, we will be contacting customers for appointments to inspect pipe materials at the meter. Customers can help identify their service line by filling out a form and taking a picture of the water service line. Please follow this link for the form and thank you for helping with this project!