Q. What is Bellefonte Borough’s Earned Income Tax Rate?
A. The Earned Income Tax Rate is 1.65% (1.05% School District .6% Municipality)
Q. Do I have to file a local return if my employer withheld local taxes?
A. Yes – Tax receipts are reconciled annually.
Q. Where can I get a local tax form
A. The collector is now Centre Tax Agency. They are located at 243 S Allen St, PO Box 437, State College, PA 16804
Phone: (814) 278-4709 Office Hours: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. M-F.
Q. What are the water, sewer, garbage and recycling rates per quarter for the Bellefonte Borough in the residential area?
Water- $20.00 flat rate plus $6.45 per 1,000 gallons used per quarter
Sewer- $141.50 per unit per quarter (up to 27,000 gal)
Garbage- $66.80 flat rate per quarter
Recycling- $22.50 flat rate per quarter
Find the current Fee Schedule here.
Q. Does the $20.00 flat rate include any water usage?
A. No, the $20.00 does not include water usage. The fee is to be hooked to the Bellefonte Borough water system.
Q. Do I have to pay for trash service if I do not put garbage out?
A. Yes, whether trash is put out or not, the service is still available in the Bellefonte Borough.
Q. What is the charge for commercial refuse service?
A. It depends on how much trash is put out per week and if there is a dumpster or not. Please contact the Bellefonte Borough office for rates.
Q. Do I have to have a Sewer Dye Test done at my home before I close on my house that I am selling?
A. Yes, if a dye test has never been done at the location, a dye test must be done before the closing on the house.
Q. How can I access the Bellefonte Borough Composting Facility?
A. Musser Lane Composting Information
Q. What can I take to the composting facility?
A. Compostable items such as grass clippings, brush, limbs (cut in four foot lengths), and leaves, may be taken to the Borough composting facility. No construction materials may be taken to the composting facility.
Q. What can I do to discourage skunks in my yard and/or how do I have a skunk removed.
Q. Can I keep chickens in my yard?
A. Yes, provided you meet all current zoning requirements regulating the keeping of chickens. You must first complete a zoning application for chickens.