HARB Review Process
If your property is located in the Bellefonte HARB-Regulated Historic District (see map) and you are planning changes to its exterior appearance, your proposed work will require the review of the HARB.
- Click here to review the standards and resources used by the HARB
- Click here for general information about the review process, including a time frame for projects.
The HARB meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 8:30 a.m. at 301 North Spring Street, large meeting room, 1st floor. Meetings are subject to be canceled if there are no projects for review.
To appear on a meeting agenda, applications for project review must be received by 4:00 p.m. twelve (12) days prior to the meeting date, unless a holiday falls on such date, in which case it will fall to the previous business day.
- Click here for a 2024 schedule of meeting dates and deadlines.
HARB Applications and Submittal Requirements:
NOTE: You must complete ALL parts of the application, INCLUDING the submittal requirements to have a COMPLETE application. Your project will not be reviewed if the information submitted is not complete.
The HARB applications for normal projects may be obtained by contacting the borough’s HARB Administrator at 814-355-1501, ext. 216. You may also download copies here:
- HARB Application(*** please also include the submittal requirements for the applicable project)
- HARB Sign Application (must also apply for a zoning permit)
- Sign Design Guidelines Manual
- 2022 UPDATED Sign Ordinance – Feather signs are now prohibited in the historic district
Submittal Requirements (must be included with application)
- Final Submittal Requirements for Normal Projects
- Color Schedule (must be completed for exterior paint projects)
- Window Replacement Submittal Requirement
Submittal Requirements for new construction / new development / or any other large-scale project
- Conceptual Review Submittal Requirements
- Preliminary Review Submittal Requirements
- Final Review Large Projects
- HARB Application
Completion of the HARB application includes:
- A description of the work to be done.
- Photographs of your property that clearly illustrate the physical location of the proposed work.
- Photographs of your property that clearly depict the public view of the building(s) under consideration.
- Material samples, product literature, and specific paint colors to be used in the exterior alterations.
- Scaled drawings illustrating finished dimensions and/or appearance if your proposed project involves new construction.
*** Application and materials can be sent electronically to Gina at gthompson@bellefontepa.gov.
If your application is incomplete or lacking necessary information, you will experience a delay in the review of your application. Please have all information ready completing an application, including samples (electronic or physical) of the project materials.
Attendance at the HARB meeting is necessary for project review. Failure of the applicant or a designated representative to appear may result in postponement of an application.
Upon approval by HARB, a recommendation will be made to borough council to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness. This is required prior to receiving a building permit or beginning construction of your proposed work in the Historic District. Borough council review usually occurs within one week of the HARB recommendation.
Have a HARB question? Email Gina Thompson, HARB Administrator, at gthompson@bellefontepa.gov or call (814) 355-1501 ext. 216.